Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Annual Performance Review

Annual performance review at my workplace was just over. This thought came to my mind - fantasied but still what if we had annual performance review every year with God. It is said that fate of a man is result of his own actions. True, but I think a man can only take actions in a set frame of mind which is set by his surroundings. Very few people are born with the talent to break this set frame of mind, think out of box and take actions to change their fate into unbelievable achievements. Performance review at workplace gives inputs on what good or bad we have done in our assignments at work. Similarly, life is full of assignments intermingled with each other. Once we take our actions to do these assignments, we should get a chance annually to get them reviewed by almighty. He will tell us how and where we could have done things differently and made the result more favourable. It is like result of one better action could have caused some better input in another, but we failed to think that action could exist. Many people give up thinking nothing better could be done, I am talking about winning at that particular moment and creating a series of wins to become a legend.

Magical thinking - but just think.

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