Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where were they??

I can see Shiv Sena and MNS's campaigns for Marathis are putting Marathis and Maharashtra's image in trouble in rest of the India. Mumbai was considered one of the secular metro before. Now I can hear people from other states making hue and cry of Marathi culture here and there (outside Maharashtra). It hurts. To best of my knowledge the fight for Marathi cause has been existing for long. Both the parties are now exploiting it really well to fill their vote bank. For Shiv Sena, this has been their agenda for long, now MNS coming into picture it has divided their vote bank. So, now both the parties are trying their best to make it to the news for Marathi cause and earn the votes. It involves violence and vandalism. The cause has been taken on extreme ends of human nature, either nobody bothers and have guts to take it forward like dumbs or some parties make use of it involving huge violence spoiling things all over. I pity more on MH govt.'s position, they can't see themselves; either of SC, HC or Govt. have to give them instructions everytime to do something about it. Will somebody take up this right cause and address this with right actions?

As far as SS and MNS's actions are concerned, they are surprising for eg.: To throw people out of their places, to not allow Rahul visit Mumbai, be regretful to Sachin's comments (of course, they can't dare to touch him), to ask SRK for apology over comments on including Pak player in IPL or move to Pak. They have no idea about the side effects of their actions. Marathis outside Maharashtra can face rampage. I liked Rahul still coming and SRK's comments over this. Their stupid actions can put young and still immature Muslim minds in dilemma. To make realise someone that it is only political, we don't have to do much. just ask where were SS and MNS for 10-15 days when Mumbai was facing terror attack on 26/11???


  1. "young and still immature Muslim minds" what makes you believe this???

  2. I am pointing out to people between age 13 to 19 where they are easy to mislead (basically teenagers). If we make them realise by our actions this country does not accept them and they are outsiders, we will be responsible for their rebellion attitude. It would be easy for terror groups to target them as their ally. This is based on the recent history with teenagers (sometimes Indian Muslims) later trained to be a suicide bomber,ally or terrorist itself.

  3. what will be the result if all the states start doing this...throw out the people who does not belong to that state.....
